What is Hexa decimal? Why Hexadecimal Often Used in Assembly Language?

What is hexadecimal? Hexa decimal numbers are commonly used in microcontrollers, microprocessors etc. The term 'Hexa Decimal' indicates Hexa (six) and Decimal (ten) i.e. Sixteen. That is the base-16 number system.

At the very launch of computer expansion it was realized that people had many complexities in managing binary numbers. For this reason, a new number system using 16 different symbols was developed. It is called hexadecimal number system and consists of the ten digits and 6 alphabets, i.e. (0, 1, 2, 3, …. 9, A, B, C, D, E and F).

In this article we will cover why is hexadecimal used, binary to hexadecimal conversion and hexadecimal to decimal conversion table.

Need & Importance of Hexadecimal number systems

Long before, programmers commonly used a suitable method to handle large binary numbers in 4-bit groupings. It is easy to manipulate large binary numbers if we group it into small groups consisting of 4 bits per group.

For example, consider you are dealing with the binary number 0011010110000111. If we group this number to 4 bit clusters like 0011 0101 1000 0111, then by writing the corresponding single digit decimal value processing becomes quiet easy.
Hexadecimal number system
 Thus 0011010110000111=3587.

What happens after 9?

While following the above said method there is a discontinuity arising after decimal 9, that is how to write decimal corresponding to 1010?
Hexadecimal number
Binary 1010 = Decimal 10, it has 2 digits! Here comes the importance of alphabets…! That is after 9 we use the alphabets A, B, C, D, E, and F for coding. Thus it again retains single digit up to the number 1111.
Hexa decimal number system
 i.e 0011 0101 1000 1010 = 358A

Decimal Binary Hexadecimal converter table

Decimal Binary Hexadecimal conversion table

Why Hexadecimal? How it helps Microcontroller programming

The biggest binary number that can be characterized by 4 binary digits is the number 1111. It corresponds to the number 15 in decimal system, whereas in hexadecimal system it can be represented by only one digit i.e 'F'. It is the largest 1-digit number in hexadecimal system.

In 8 bit PIC microcontroller, the largest number is 1111 1111 which has 8 bits. At the same time the 2 digit hexadecimal number for 1111 1111 is  'FF'.

Do you see how skillfully it is used? Don’t forget that computers process 8-digit binary numbers. For the convenient use of programmer, it is easy to manipulate hexadecimal numbers rather than binary numbers.

Hexadecimal numbers are represented in C language by using the prefix ‘0x’.
Eg: 0x25, 0x85 etc.

Hexadecimal in PIC [Real time example]

Consider the embedded C program code,
0x25= 0010 0101
Then the corresponding pins of PORT B are set to logic high, we can connect LEDs for checking the status. See the image below.
PIC hexadecimal

Embedded C program to realize Hexadecimal

void main()

Here we are outing 0x4D and 0xAF to the PORT B continuously with an interval of 1 second. To understand the concept of hexadecimal in this program, please watch the following PIC simulation.
PIC led animation

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