555 Timer Astable calculator for Astable Multivibrator Designing

We know that astable multivibrator is simply an oscillator circuit that produces continuous pulses without the help of any external triggering. The oscillation frequency and time period can be manually controlled through simple modification of resistors and capacitors i.e. by changing the values of R1, R2 and C1. You can use a 555 timer astable calculator tool to make your designing easier.

Astable 555 calculator for calculating Frequency and Time period

We had already discussed the 555 timer tutorial of astable multivibrator in detail with animation. Though we provided the design equation there, one of our reader Mr Dewanto asked:

"I need Ton=3 seconds, and Toff= 15 minutes. how can I modify the capacitor then?"

So we thought about creating an astable 555 timer calculator. With this 555 timer IC astable calculator you can calculate frequency, duty cycle (in percent), high and low output time periods to meet your requirements.

Astable Calculator

 R1:   R2:

 T1 High output (Sec)
 T2 Low output (Sec)
 T1 + T2 Period (Sec)
 Frequency (Hertz)
 Duty Cycle (Percent)

We have also come up with a monostable frequency calculator tool. You can also have a look at that for  monostable pulse duration calculation.

Reference circuit diagram of astable multivibrator using 555 timer

555 Astable multivibrator


  1. Thanks for this great tool. It makes designing easier

    1. AnonymousJuly 11, 2013

      Thanks for the feedback. Visit again to see more designing tools.

  2. it was a tough problem for me to calculate the frequency and duty cycle. This is really useful.

    1. AnonymousJuly 11, 2013

      Hi Yousuf

      Happy to know that it was helpful to you.

  3. wow, so many thank you for the best response... it is very fruitful...

    1. AnonymousJuly 11, 2013

      Hi Dewanto,
      It's our pleasure to help our fellow electronics lovers. People like you make our website live.
